Project Location
The project is located within the Rural Municipalities of Happy Valley No. 10 and Hart Butte No. 11, approximately 5 km north of Big Beaver and 20 km east of Coronach. The project area is comprised of cultivated cropland and pasture, and land use in the area is predominately ranching and farming.
Project Development
With decades of collective experience, we have a team of internal experts responsible for taking projects from conception to commercial operations. Our team works in close consultation with local landowners, government agencies, Indigenous Peoples and other key stakeholders to site, build and operate our facilities safely and responsibly. To learn more about our approach to project development, click here.
Your feedback on the Outlaw Trail Wind Project is very important to us. We encourage you to share your thoughts, questions, comments, or suggestions using the survey provided here.
BluEarth Renewables has been developing the Outlaw Trail Wind Project for more than 10 years. During this time, we have completed a large variety of feasibility, engineering, environmental, and technical studies to inform the overall design of the Project.
Baseline environmental desktop and field studies have been completed to understand the existing conditions of the Project site and support the submission of both a Technical Project Proposal and Environmental Impact Statement to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment (SK MOE), in 2018 and 2021, respectively. Per the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act, 1980, the Environmental Impact Statement includes an assessment of environmental and socioeconomic effects including wildlife, vegetation, soil, surface water, heritage resources, employment, community services, and the acoustic environment. On March 18, 2022, the SK MOE issued a Ministerial Approval for the development of the Project, which was considered to be a major schedule milestone, as this permit is the primary environmental approval required for the Project.
On-site meteorologic data has been collected for over 10 years which enables us to have a strong understanding of the wind resource present within the Project area and inform wind turbine siting to maximize generation.
SaskPower Request for Proposals – Inquiry #1011031
In September 2023, the Saskatchewan Power Corporation (“SaskPower”) released a request for proposals regarding the development, construction and operation of two 200 MW wind generation facilities (the “RFP”). If selected by SaskPower under this RFP, the Project would sell all electricity to SaskPower under a power purchase agreement for a fixed term of 30 years.
The RFP is an important measure for SaskPower to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or earlier and utility-scale wind generation is most complementary to SaskPower’s existing generation mix. More information can be found here.
The results of the RFP are expected to be announced in mid-September 2024 (at earliest). If awarded a power purchase agreement by SaskPower, the Project is expected to be built before November 2027.
Expected Timeline
We are committed to engaging stakeholders in the decision-making process for the project. We believe that trust is the foundation for long-term successful relationships, and we know that trust is only earned over time, by working together with honest and transparent communications. We encourage you to submit feedback, questions or concerns about the Project using the form found here.
For more information on the Outlaw Trail Wind Project, please email us at or call 1-844-214-2578.
Public Open House #2
On April 4, 2024 we hosted our second open house for the Outlaw Trail Wind Project at the Coronach Community Hall. This open house provided an opportunity for the community to learn more about the project, share feedback, and meet our project team.
If you missed this event, you can find the materials shared under the ‘Additional Resources’ section below.
Public Open House #1
On December 7, 2023 we hosted an open house for the community to learn more about the Outlaw Trail Wind Project and share their feedback. Materials shared at this meeting can be found in the ‘Additional Resources’ section below.
Local Community Benefits
We are committed to giving back to the communities where we live, work, and operate. In the development of all BluEarth projects, we establish a fund to ensure the local community sees direct benefit from the proposed project. To learn more about how we support and work with local communities, click here.
We are currently in the process of developing the program and community benefit package for the Project and are seeking feedback on what benefits would be most impactful to the local community. To provide your input on the community benefits for the Outlaw Trail Wind Project please complete our feedback survey.
Local Economic Benefits
In addition to our community funding program, the Project will also make a meaningful contribution to the local economy through municipal taxes, employment, and increased economic activity in the region during construction. If awarded a power purchase agreement by SaskPower, the Project will be a significant economic contributor through property tax payments over the 30-year project life.
The Project will also contribute meaningfully to the local economy during construction and operations. During the two-year construction period, contractors will contribute to local hospitality, lodging, and food and beverage services. We anticipate 175 jobs (or 225,000 person hours) during peak construction. Ongoing maintenance activities during the 30 year project life will help bolster local economic activity. Where possible, local suppliers will be given preference in support of the Project’s construction and long-term operation.
BluEarth prioritizes environmental protection. We have completed extensive environmental studies within the Project area to understand the existing environmental conditions and inform the design of the Project, as well as the mitigation measures that will be used to minimize and/or avoid impacts to environmental features during the construction, operation, and decommissioning of the Project.
Project Infrastructure
The Outlaw Trail Wind Project will include wind turbines, a 34.5 kV electrical collector system, 34.5 kV to 230 kV Project substation, operations and maintenance building, a concrete batch plant during construction, temporary and permanent access roads, and a 230 kV transmission line from Project substation to the proposed point of interconnection, which will be constructed by SaskPower
Additional Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
The Outlaw Trail Wind Project will benefit the local economy with an average of 175 jobs (or 225,000 person hours) during peak construction of the project. In addition, the project will employ six full-time wind technicians and one full-time site supervisor. The project will also provide indirect revenue to the local municipality in the form of local services and supplies, and will pay municipal taxes to the rural community with an estimated annual tax revenue of $2,000,000 between Hart Butte and Happy Valley. Wind projects provide stable income to local farmers and landowners from land lease agreements and allow farming up to the base of the turbine gravel pad, leading to increased diversification of local landowner income.
The global wind industry collectively continues to engage with experts in science, medicine and occupational and environmental health to monitor ongoing credible research in the area of wind turbines and human health. Health Canada published its own study in 2014, which found that wind turbine noise exposure was not associated with self-reported medical illnesses and health conditions.
We understand some individuals have concerns about wind facility construction and operation and we take these concerns seriously. The Outlaw Trail Wind Project has been designed to meet or exceed all provincial regulations and guidelines in place to protect human health.
Below are studies on the relationship between wind turbines and human health:
- Health Canada: Wind Turbine Noise and Health Study: Summary of Results
- Journal of Occupations and Environmental Medicine: Wind Turbines and Health: A Critical Review of the Scientific Literature
The noise emissions produced by a wind turbine vary depending on the model and size. As there are currently no regulatory requirements for noise control in Saskatchewan, we are completing detailed noise modeling on the project to align to the Alberta Utilities Commission regulatory requirement of 40dBA at night time at all residences. The sound pressure level of 40dBA is considered comparable to a quiet library.
Wind turbines occupy a small fraction of the land on which they are sited, so they work in harmony with existing and established land uses. In rural settings, farming and ranching continue undisturbed. Livestock, such as sheep, cows and horses, can continue to graze around the towers. In fact, wind energy helps create a healthier environment by not emitting greenhouse gases or air pollutants, and using no freshwater to generate electricity.
The most comprehensive study on wind facilities and property values to-date was conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The study analyzed more than 50,000 home sales near 67 wind facilities across nine U.S. states over ten years and found no statistical evidence that operating wind facilities have had any measurable impacts on home sale prices.
Below are studies on the relationship between wind facilities and property value:
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: A Spatial Hedonic Analysis of the Effects of Wind Energy Facilities on Surrounding Property Values in the United States
- Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics: The Effects of Wind Turbines on Property Values in Ontario: Does Public Perception Match Empirical Evidence?
- Journal of Real Estate Research: Wind Energy Facilities and Residential Properties: The Effect of Proximity and View on Sales Prices
No. TV and internet signals are now primarily digital and will not be impacted by this project.