Project Location
The Chinook Flatts Wind Project is located on approximately 120,000 acres of privately owned land near the town of Cheyenne Wells, Colorado.
Project Development
With decades of experience, we have a team of internal experts to take projects from conception and make them a reality. Our team works in close consultation with government agencies and key stakeholders to site, build and operate our facilities responsibly. To learn more about our approach to project development, click here.
We are currently working to advance development on this project with activities including environmental studies, regulatory permitting, early project design work and the installation of meteorological towers at the project site.
The Cheyenne County Planning and Zoning Commission hosted a Public Hearing on February 15 and any interested stakeholders were encouraged to attend. Following the Public Hearing, BluEarth invited all interested community members to join our team for coffee and donuts to learn more about the Project and answer any questions.
On February 17, 2023 the Project obtained a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) from Cheyenne County, which provides conditional approval to construct and operate a wind project in Cheyenne County with a maximum capacity of 450 MW. Once the Project layout has been finalized, we will apply for a Development Agreement Approval from Cheyenne County.
We are committed to engaging stakeholders in the decision-making process for the project. We believe that trust is the foundation for long-term successful relationships, and we know that trust is only earned over time, by working together with honest and transparent communications.
Community Assessment Survey
In order to ensure the needs and feedback from the local community are considered in the development of the Project, BluEarth has prepared a short 10-minute survey that we invite you to complete at your convenience.
You can access the survey at:
Or, scan the QR code below with your smartphone camera.
If you would like to receive a paper copy, please reach out to the Project team.
For more information on the Chinook Flatts Wind Project, please email us at or call 1-844-214-2578.