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  • Stage:

    Early-Stage Development

  • Capacity:

    Up to 350 MW

Project Location

The Capulin Wind Project is proposed over 50,000 acres of privately owned land near Capulin, NM.

Project Development

With decades of experience, we have a team of internal experts to take projects from conception and make them a reality. Our team works in close consultation with government agencies and key stakeholders to site, build and operate our facilities responsibly. To learn more about our approach to project development, click here.

The Capulin Wind Project is currently in early-stage development and our team is continuing to advance the project. In the last year, out team has:

  • Met with Colfax County
  • Completed a preliminary plan review with Union County
  • Met with the National Park Service (NPS)
  • Met with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the New Mexico Game and Fish Department (NMGFD)
  • Held our first community open house in April 2023
  • Installed three new wind measurement (MET) towers on site to provide further analysis of the wind conditions in the area
  • Began consultation with the New Mexico Renewable Energy Transmission Authority (NM RETA)
  • Environmental fieldwork activities first began in spring 2021 and are expected to continue through 2025. These studies, along with other project development activities, will help to characterize the site and inform our project layout and design.

We will continue to conduct regulatory and environmental field studies, engage with local stakeholders and municipalities, and collect on site data for project design. We are committed to engaging stakeholders in the decision-making process for the project. We believe that trust is the foundation for long-term successful relationships, and we know that trust is only earned over time, by working together with honest and transparent communications.

For more information on the Capulin Wind Project, please email us at or call 1-844-214-2578.

Project Infrastructure

The Capulin Wind Project would involve wind turbines, a substation, a operations and maintenance building, electrical collection systems and access roads, and a 230 kv transmission line to the point of interconnection.