Facility Location
The Narrows Inlet Hydro Facility is located at the northern end of the Narrows Inlet, in the Tzoonie River Valley. It is approximately 75 km northwest of Vancouver and 50 km north of the town of Sechelt, BC.

Indigenous Partnership
The Narrows Inlet Hydro Facility is located on shíshálh Nation Territory, and we have great respect for their traditions and knowledge, as well as the value their involvement and investment adds to the project.
We are proud to partner with the shíshálh Nation, and we work closely with the Nation to provide ongoing, long-term economic benefits to the region.
Learn more about our approach to working with Indigenous Peoples.
Additional Resources
- Environmental Assessment Amendment #1 February 12, 2016
- Letter: Amendment #1 Approval
- Letter: Amendment #2 Approval
- Letter: Amendment #3 Approval
- Letter Amendment #4 Approval
- Environmental Assessment Certificate #E13-04
- Schedule A – Certified Project Description
- Schedule B – Table of Conditions
- Chickwat Creek Environmental Baseline Report
- Northern Goshawk Habitat Suitability Report
- Aquatic Breeding Salamander Baseline and Effects Assessment Report
- Marbled Murrelet Survey Report
- Construction Environmental Management Plan
For details on studies completed during the Environmental Assessment and to access all supporting documentation, visit the Environmental Assessment Office’s Project Information Centre.