Project Update
June 4, 2018
Loyalist Solar: Major construction work underway
After four years of community consultation and permitting, construction has begun on the Loyalist Solar Project.
This 54 megawatt (MW) solar project consists of three major work sites:
- the site includes: the solar panels, racking, direct current electrical collection system, alternating current electrical system, inverters and associated infrastructure, access roads and perimeter fence
- the connection line includes: overhead and underground electrical line circuits
- the substation includes: electrical substation transformer, communication lines and related electrical infrastructure to connect the project to the transmission system.
Construction is underway on the substation, connection line and the site at Blocks A and B. It is expected that construction on these blocks will be completed in September 2018.
Vegetation clearing is complete on Blocks C and D. These locations are expected to begin construction in June 2018.
It is expected that all construction will be completed in November 2018, with commercial operations scheduled to begin in January 2019.