In case of emergency, please call 1-877-359-0671

  • Stage:


  • Technology:

    Two Francis turbines

  • Capacity:

    20 MW

  • Commercial Operation Date:


  • Power Sales:

    Long-term PPA with BC Hydro

Project Location

The Dasque-Middle Hydro Facility is located in the Coast Range Mountains, approximately 30 km southwest of Terrace, BC. The two units, Dasque and Middle, are located approximately 2 km apart.

Indigenous Partnership

The Dasque-Middle Hydro Facility is located on lands within both Kitselas and Coastal Tsimshian First Nations Territory. We have great respect for their traditions and knowledge, and work closely with the Nations to provide ongoing, long-term economic benefits to the region.

Learn more about our approach to working with Indigenous Peoples.